Saturday 5 September 2015

Welcome back!

It feels good to be back at school - but I would say that because I chose to be a teacher!

PAL and I met yesterday which is always enjoyable as I get to see who chose to continue this wonderful subject - after they weren't being forced to any more! And many did - a record number of people returning to do A-level. In the absence of Pronote this week I thought I would note down what we talked about, for benefit of students and parents...

Pearson Edexcel Advanced GCE in Biology B

A-levels are changing, beginning this year, and biology is in the first batch to be updated. We are sticking with exam board Pearson Edexcel who offer two flavours of their new biology specification, of which we have chosen the snappily-titled, 'B'. There is a nice, graphical overview here.


We are not insisting you buy the official course book but would like you to buy one or two biology textbooks writing at A-level. Find one with a writing style that appeals to you, get to know how to use an index quickly, and cross-reference your learning. Such skills will prepare you well for university.

We also recommend subscribing to New Scientist, visiting the wonderful Natural History Museum regularly, and if you would like Biological Sciences Review delivered to you please get in touch with Mr Tweddle. These publications are all available in the school library.

Enjoy your first term!